The Peniel Experience
Hmmmm..last week i went through tabernacle and sanctification week . This is actually my fourth tabernacle experience. However, I am thankful that I always drink gao gao of Laopa peace and presence.
This is for the benefit of those who are reading this and do not understand sanctification week. The church i attend conducts sanctification week every year. Sanctification means to be set apart and made holy by Laopa. So every year, our church will dedicate a week for us to go through certain teachings and then to allow God to do a work in our lifes.
Initially, I wasnt looking forward to the Sanctification week but I was simply awed by the experience God granted to me. Initially, I saw a vision of a nail pierced hand, the thick nail piercing into the flesh. That vision stayed with me throughout the sanctification sessions.
It was only till the final night, the vision grew clearer when we were partaking the Holy Communion. All these while, I always tell Laopa that I want to understand the immensity of his suffering at the cross, in order to understand more of His grace for us. In other words, I want the revelation of the cross.
So I began to utter a prayer and ask Him to show me more. Shortly after, I saw a vision, instead of seeing Jesus nail pierced hand, this time round I saw mine instead. I saw a very thick nail piercing right through my hand. Ohh mann..... when i saw that, I began to understand a little of how Jesus felt when the nail was pierced right through His hand.
I knew the Lord showed this vision to me about my hand being pierced, not that I will literally be nailed next time. But He just wanted to show me a little of how it feels like to be nailed.
Seriously no one in His right mind will desire to go through such suffering. But then He did it for us still.
When pastor actually asked us to partake the bread and the cup,I stared at the cup for some time. For the first time, I really felt it is the Jesus blood that I am drinking.
I am guilty of His nail pierced hands...
After the sancification week, my gers and I went to the Tabernacle. This time round was a totally different experience unlike the past ones. For the first time at the Holy of Holies, I felt His presence and peace so strong that I told Laopa that I just want to reside in the place. Hahha indeed I finally grasp a deeper meaning of How David felt when He wrote Psalms 84.
That says, How Lovely is thy dwelling place? Lord, God Almighty my soul even yearns and faints for the courts of the Lord. Hmmm..... indeed I just knew that was Holy Ground that i was residing in. I just wanted more and more of His presence dwelling in me. I am so glad I rested in His peace and it was all I need.
Hahah what amazed me was the time at the Lamp stand, before I could say anything to Laopa, He just told me that He knew my desires. Hmmm indeed, isnt it written in the bible that, before a prayer is uttered, He knew what are we going to say. Yeah, then it was the warning from Holy Spirit not to doubt His words. So I claimed them all by faith!
So here I am here delighting in the Lord and awaiting my desires to be granted in His timing. Still, I hunger and hunger for more of Him each day! hahaha not much I can make myself feel better, except slowly live a day at a time with Him.
One sentence that speaks to me most is this : The average person is being crucified between two thieves, the regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow. Consequently, he can't enjoy today.
Yeah lets not fall into a trap of looking into the past and fretting about tomorrow. Lets just enjoy the moments with Laopa today. Because He promised that we are renewed inwardly everyday.
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