蕾蕾- Laopa's Precious

我要称谢你,因我受造奇妙可畏;你的作为奇妙,这是我心深知道的。 Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. 甚愿你赐福与我,扩张我的境界,常与我同在,保佑我不遭患难,不受艰苦。

Monday, January 23, 2006

Been... veri tired lately. And when i am tired and stress, i will not have appetite and when i don realli have appetite, hahah guess what i will eat less.. and i have shed some fats off liao. Thank God.

A sister just confronted me not long ago. Thank God we managed to thrash it out and win win situation. i know we still love each other a lot. But she pointed out that many gers did not know how to minister to me. I guess is due to the fact that i always appear to be veri strong and zhai in front of people. Hmmm,,, actual fact, i am never the strong person and desires so much for people to sayang me. Hmmm.. i guess its my appearance and my mannerism that give people that idea.

Hmmm i know i am realli like my spiritual mama cos we are both veri strong. Hahah we may cry so much the day before but look perfectly alright the next day. i still want to thank God for how He has wired me this way. That gave me the ability to uplift people who are down. And it is also becos of this impression that people have, I cling onto Laopa even more becos everyone thinks i am strong and kinda left me out.

However, i do not blame anyone who is seeing me this way, cos no matter how jialat our circumstances are, He never fail to work for the good to those who love Him. Yeah becos of this promise, i can still survive and know i am so precious in His sight.

But still i pray that my precious sisters around me will not feel belittled by me. Cos it was never my intention, to flaunt my "zhainess" and belittle the rest.

Indeed I consider myself seriously no big deal at all, cos i am just a person with a broken spirit, it was Him who died for me, that granted me the grace to live day by day. ( yeah i was just sobbing yesterday, but today i am filled with a glimpse of Hope again, cos He made all things new!)

All Glory be unto Him!

"You do not desire any sacrifice or offering but a broken spirit and a contrite heart, you will not despise."

May you see this broken life and feel uplifted by the Lord's faithfulness and hope!