蕾蕾- Laopa's Precious

我要称谢你,因我受造奇妙可畏;你的作为奇妙,这是我心深知道的。 Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. 甚愿你赐福与我,扩张我的境界,常与我同在,保佑我不遭患难,不受艰苦。

Friday, January 13, 2006

Kairos moment for my FAMILY SALVATION

SO many things have happened to me the past one week or so. My ah ma was just being diagnosed as critical condition on Sunday. When I heard that, I was filled with tears, went back to my room and knelt before God and prayed for His mercy upon ah ma. Simply because she has not received Jesus into her life. I told the Lord I could not bear to see her leave without knowing Jesus. I prayed and prayed.

When we reached hospital, i was strickened with grief by the fact that my ah ma could not recognise anyone of us, not even my dad. I continued to pray and actually share to ah ma how Jesus love her.

At night, I was laying hold of Laopa for ah ma, i have never felt so much urgency for a person's salvation in my life, truly engaging spiritual warfare prayer to rise up in the authority of Jesus to stop any form of evil plot against my ah ma. Ah Ma is so close to my heart, I truly cant bear to see her not being saved. I kept on stood in the gap for ah ma, and actually activated all my beloved precious bros and sisters to pray for my ah ma. Becos i truly believe that when 2 or more gathered and pray , the Lord's hand will be moved.

The next day, I received an sms from my sister that ah ma condition has improved. In her sms, she mentioned that ah ma can recognise her and was full of joy when she saw my sister. Phew! Thank God. Indeed my God has never left us nor forsake us. Simply awed by God's grace for her.
Come to think about it, this is the third time my ah ma suffered from stroke relapse and admitted to the hospital. Each time, God never failed to preserve her life, simply because Laopa love her so much, Laopa's grace is overflowing.

Day after day, my ah ma condition improved. Now she can eat and yesterday she was drinking milo! The doctor told us that her critical condition is over. It is indeed God's miracle! All glory be to Laopa forever and ever.

Yesterday i couldnt help interceding and worshipping Laopa for 3 hours because He has granted me more faith to dare to stand in the gap for my whole family. (Throughout the whole 3 hours, I was singing praises, giving thanks and interceding so much. I felt so much peace and joy soaking in His presence.) I believed with all my heart that all of them will be saved. i believe the evil's plan is completely thwarted and destroyed because Laopa reign!

I am simply and certainly so awed by His grace and mercy. The lord told me that now is the kairos moment for my family. Many of my family members will be ushered into the Kingdom of God. i want to claim this promise and continue to stand in the gap for them.

Got a chance to testify His love with my aunt yesterday and I thank God for that too.

Truly I only learn one thing again, The Lord's faithfulness! How can I deny Him? He is so real! I have once again witness the power of intercession! It is indeed awesome. When christians pray, the evil one has to flee.

All Glory be unto Jesus!