More than Conquerors
It has been a long time since I blogged. Apologies to those who has been faithfully reading my blog. Thank God for granting me eventful experiences. Went through G12 Conference and felt that the Lord has taught so many golden nuggets of truth. Best thing, I bought a book by our beloved spiritual great great grandmother Ps Claudia. Felt simply refreshing meditating on the truths she shared over in the book.
I guess i needed the fresh touch from Laopa when He revealed His cross to me at the conference. Prior before the conference, I had a supernatural experience with Laopa, one night i experienced the revelation of the cross.
During the conference, I also had the same experience. God brought me back to the scene where Jesus was crucified. The scenes of people shouting, crucify Him were ringing in my mind. I began to wail so much and shake uncontrollably. All I knew in my mind, its the experience of His love simply overwhelmed me. He need not choose the path if not for me. Even there is only one me in the whole world, He will still choose to die on the cross.
I am so priviledged of knowing Jesus, unlike so many people who are still searching for engagements to fill up their void and emptiness in their lifes. I actually hold the secret to salvation. The secret of being hopeful and joyful and eagerly awaiting for the day when I will reunite with Him.
Unlike all other past conferences, this conference is based on the theme of running with the vision. The vision of being a disciple maker and serve the nations. I am thankful I brought back strategies to work towards my dream.
At the conference, God also told me to surrender my broken dream to Him. It was then I realise I have lost my dream for some time.It was the vision that all my close friends still remembered but yet I have lost it. Perhaps it is due to the past 2 years of breaking sessions, that I allowed disappointments and fears to set in.
I told the Lord, I do not want to be afraid anymore. All these while, I held on to my fears, fearful that my girls will not grow, fearful that God will not bless me, fearful that I choose the wrong way. Indeed Ps Claudia say that only slaves fear of failure. That was what happen to Saul, because of fear, that ruined him and drove him to kill David.
Yeah I am glad I was once reminded by Laopa, that I am His annointed, veri veri baobei daughter not slave. But a rightful heir of Laopa.
Now that I have experienced this spiritual awakening. My greatest desire is to teach my girls the way Laopa teach me. Teach them to inherit the blessings of being a daughter and lead a victorious life.
Do you want to be a daughter or slave? I dont know about you, I want to be His daughter whom He will call me blessed and which He could feel so proud of just seeing me.
I pray I will be a good spiritual mother to my children. Able to love them as Jesus loves. And I pray He will bless me with 12 whom the Lord can use mightily to further His kingdom.
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