蕾蕾- Laopa's Precious

我要称谢你,因我受造奇妙可畏;你的作为奇妙,这是我心深知道的。 Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. 甚愿你赐福与我,扩张我的境界,常与我同在,保佑我不遭患难,不受艰苦。

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Rainbow Castle

I was so happy because i went to Ikea today. I am so glad that i bought my favourite quilt set its orange colour. Hmmm.. my bud qiqi , was so bored when she was at ikea. But i was simply mesmerised by the design and aesthetics of the furniture. Its so beautiful. I truly love to go Ikea and it always brightens my mood. It always instills certain creativity in me. For example, I was looking at one of those mirrors and i was thinking perhaps i can paste my beads on the edge of my mirror to give it a different look.
I enjoyed going to the children's room. This is because i am always so intrigued and amazed by the colourful and cute furniture. One room really caught my eye, it has this rainbow tent covering the whole bed. The bed is covered with rainbow bed sheets, comforter as well as rainbow pillows. It is such a beautiful room. I always hope to stay in one of those rooms. Hehe... and if i ever get my own house next time, I truly desire the whole house to be filled with different colours. With walls of orange, green, blue, pink, red and furniture with rainbow colours. Hmmm.....just the thought of it, will make me feel so happy and joyful.

Come to think about it, if i ever got a say what would my heavenly home look like, I also want them to be with multi colours. Wouldnt that be great? Hmmm... I am sure Laopa loves me so much and my dream will come true one day.

Yah i always dream that my heavenly home will be like a castle as you push open those big tall gates( those you see in movies), there will be a big banqueting table full of all the junk food you can find, hahah tubs of ice cream with tons of flavours, durian, coffee, strawberry, sticky chewy chocolate, rum and raisins.... tons of potato chips, tons of chocolates, tons of sweets with different colours. ( just like the table i saw in the Peter pan movie) Hmmmm I will seriously feel so loved by Laopa if my heavenly home is filled with all these. Not to forget tons of Japanese dorama, HK movies and Taiwanese "ou xiang ju" Wah..... ohh mann my life in Heaven will then be non stop action of being a couch potato.
Anyway by that time we will all be made perfect, perhaps i will not even crave for all these anymore. Hahah.....who knows.

By thinking my heavenly home to be filled with so much goodies, isnt it make it easier to focus on the things that are eternal not temporal. Hahah..... because in heaven i can eat all kinds of junk and never fall sick or not having to watch my weight all day mann. Haha...if all this is true, I cant wait to go heaven. Hahah.... Laopa have mercy on me if these are all crap.....ahahah